Requirement Process
Information Counter:
The primary “Information Desk” of Bhugol Overseas Pvt. Ltd., where all essential information can be gathered, is where the company provides its services to its customers. Additionally, the primary registration is completed, and the data bank is kept up to date. This functions as a good information system for the business and assists in regularly updating the records of job searchers. Individual records are saved here and made available to our esteemed employers upon request.
Bhugol Overseas Pvt. Ltd.’s complete organization is fully digitized and networked to offer our customers precise and timely service. Our team members are skilled and prepared at all times to help our customers by offering excellent service.
Publicity in Daily Newspaper:
The employment agency requests authorization from the Nepali Department of Labour. The Department of Labour then provides approval after determining that the demand is credible and that the terms and conditions are in line with legal requirements. The authorization letter permits the hiring employer to publish job opening ads in regional and national publications and to start the hiring process choosing candidates.
Choosing candidates:
Bhugol Overseas Pvt. Ltd. has a current “data bank” of prospective applicants with complete information on their credentials, competencies, and experience. On behalf of clients, Bhugol Overseas Pvt. Ltd. also checks candidates’ credentials. Representatives of recruiting firms conduct the final interview, or we can do it on their behalf. No consideration of race, office politics, or other factors is taken into account when choosing candidates. We are certain that the employees chosen by our selection committee will meet the needs of the business and gain the respect and gratitude of the employer.
Market Test:
For those with technical skills, a practical trade test will be administered at a technical training facility. If the hiring organization wishes to select candidates through oral interviews, the same may be done at our office by a corporate representative or by our selection committee acting on behalf of the employer/client.
Medical examination:
Selected applicants are brought in for a thorough medical examination at a licensed clinic or hospital. To sign the employment contract, a candidate must be deemed physically and medically suitable for employment.
Bhugol Overseas Pvt. Ltd. arranges an orientation session to inform selected candidates about the company’s ideology prior to their departure. the country’s immigration regulations, labor laws, and general state of law so that workers are properly informed and comprehend the circumstances there so they do not feel alienated and are in a good frame of mind to begin work with full enthusiasm. The orientation pays particular attention to informing them of the strict adherence to the rules of the employment company and country, directing them to uphold excellent behavior and work ethics, and motivating them to carry out their duties and obligations faithfully and honestly.
Making Travel Arrangements:
We transmit copies of all passports and visa endorsements to the relevant airlines as per Bhugol Overseas Pvt. Ltd. policy, and we confirm the scheduled flight from Nepal to the destination airport. Under our notification, PTA may be sent from Kathmandu to the concerned airlines.